My HP Printer Missing Lines: What to Do?

High-resolutions of HP printers make everything easier for users. They get the best quality prints for their personal and office use. Highly-acclaimed printers can cause problems sometimes. Some users also face HP printer missing lines problems. If you are facing this problem, you might read the article and find a solution.

What Is My HP Printer Missing Lines?

There are lots of reasons that result in an HP printer missing lines. It's possible that HP printers skip lines due to unexpected paper thickness, printer settings, etc. But the main issue can be due to the print head and cartridge.

Clogged Nozzle

Many times clogged nozzles can prevent ink from getting to the page is a very common issue for the printer to skip lines. Through small and normal use of ink, users can collect and easily dry the print head blocking the nozzles.

Shipping Tape

If you have changed the ink cartridges and the HP printer missing lines when printing, the primary cause is a protective tape which is mostly used during shipping. Ink cartridges mostly arrive by protecting the print head and tape sealing the ink. 


This most of the time prevents ink from entering the print head and also drying out during the shipping process. When you remove the tape, it's easy to leave an amount on the cartridge, blocking ink from reaching the page.

Running Out of Colour

If your printer HP printer is missing lines when printing, you might have a specific color cartridge. The issue mostly spots when colors like magenta, yellow, black, cyan, etc.


All cartridges are essential to creating the colours needed to print. Running out of any colour can prevent the mixing of a few hues. Also depleting the cartridge from continuous use of one color can make cartridges faulty and run out of color for a specific time which ultimately results in lines missing errors.  

Color Mixing

Wrong color mixing many times results in skipping lines in the HP printer. Hence ensure you have perfect color mixing in the print head. HP printer missing lines can also be caused when different color ink comes into contact with cartridges. Ink drying issues can be prevented if you place tape over the nozzles.


Color mixing problems can also occur when nozzles come in plastic contact. The printer test page can help you to identify the problem, and check the four colors' tones to find if a color mixing issue has occurred.

Misaligned Printhead

Placing the HP printhead properly is an important step that is avoided during the installation process. Misplacement of printhead can lead to lots of issues and one of them is Hp printer missing lines when printing. Thus make sure to follow all the instructions while installing the printhead.

Low Printer Quality Setting

HP printers can be used in multiple ways including decreasing the resolution to use less ink, etc. Setting the printer quality to low can result in the HP printer missing lines problem.

Wrapping it Up

The above described are a few reasons that result in an HP printer skipping lines. But if you fail to solve the problem on your own, then it's a wise choice to contact the HP support team, they will guide you in the best possible manner.




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