The Top Fixes for the HP Printer Offline Issues on Windows 10

HP printers offer great printing performance. However, problems in their work do arise sometimes. One of the common ones is the HP printer offline. This problem implies that your HP printing device cannot communicate with your Windows 10 system. To fix it, you must know what causes it. The problem is mainly an outcome of the printer being set on an offline mode or a paper jam. Besides, you must check whether you’ve updated your firmware. 

Keep reading to find good fixes for this common technical glitch.

Fix the HP Printer Offline Problem

Use these resolutions. You will definitely not find yourself complaining about an offline HP printer.

Enable the Option to use a Printer Online

Bring your printer to online mode by changing the settings. Go to the Control Panel and follow these pointers.

  1. In the Control Panel section, choose ‘Devices and Printers.’
  2. Right-tap on the ‘Question’ section.
  3. Select ‘See what’s printing.’
  4. Choose ‘Printer’ from the top part.
  5. Tap ‘Use printer offline.’

Look For Ink Cartridge and Paper Jam Issues.

Incompatible cartridges and paper jams frequently cause an offline status. Follow this easy HP printer is offline fix.

  1. Turn on your printer.
  2. Check that physical and wireless connections are proper.
  3. If there are disconnected cables, reconnect them.
  4. Peek inside your HP printer to find any hints of paper jam.
  5. Clear the paper jam error.
  6. Now, check the input tray.
  7. Stock it with paper.
  8. After that, examine the ink levels within the cartridges.
  9. Look for low ink alerts in the Control Panel display of your printer.
  10. Tap ‘OK’ to end the low ink warnings.
  11. It will bring the printer back online.

Use the HP Print and Scan Doctor

This utility has been specially formulated to repair various printer errors. Download it from the official HP website. Then follow these points.

  1. Install the HP Print and Scan Doctor.
  2. Run the downloaded file.
  3. Launch the utility.
  4. Then tap the ‘Start’ button.
  5. Choose your printer model from the list.
  6. To begin the repair process, pick the ‘Fix printing’ link.

Re-Install HP Printer

You can also re-install the printer on Windows 10 when your HP printer is offline. Open the Run dialogue box and use these points.

  1. In the Run window, input devmgmt.msc.
  2. Press the Enter key.
  3. Now, right-tap on your printer in ‘Device Manager.’
  4. Next, right-tap on the HP printer.
  5. Remove it by tapping the ‘Uninstall’ option.
  6. Head to ‘Devices and Printers.’
  7. Once there, tap ‘Add a printer.’
  8. Add the printer driver to your system.
  9. Reboot the computer.
  10. See if the offline issue has been resolved.

Set Your Printer as the Default

You must ensure that you have de-selected the ‘Let Windows manage my default printer’ option. It may be why your printer is offline.

  1. Select ‘Printers and Scanners’ in your system.
  2. Remove the tick besides the ‘Let Windows manage my default printer’ option.
  3. Find your device and choose ‘Manage.’
  4. Below ‘Manage your device’ choose ‘Set as default.’

Summing up

You now know how to overcome one of the most pervasive printer problems. Use these fixes whenever you notice the HP printer offline. If you need more assistance, speak to a trusted printer technical support expert.




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