How do I fix the missing lines on my HP printer?

HP printer users face missing line issues which causes it frustrating for users to get useful documents printed without hassle. Error HP printer missing lines can be caused due to dried-up ink on the nozzle, printhead alignment problems, paper thickness setting issues, etc. Know the cause and implement the solution to the HP printer missing lines problem.


Why is the HP Printer Missing Lines When Printing?

The main cause for the HP Printer missing line can be as below:


  1. One nozzle block on your printer, resulting in the ink issue not flowing on the paper smoothly while printing.
  2. Particular ink color might have been emptied in the ink tank.
  3. Color mixing on the ink printer due to direct contact with the plastic cover.
  4. Printhead not aligned with the device might result in the HP printer missing lines when printing.
  5. Paper thickness settings or incorrect settings might result in an HP printer missing lines error.
  6. The nozzle gets blocked due to dried-up ink.


Knowing the cause can help you to solve the problem with your HP printer.

Troubleshoot and Fix HP Printer Missing Lines Problem

After knowing the cause you can implement the right solution to fix the HP printer missing lines problem. Check the solution to fix the problem right away.

Clean the Print Head

First of all, clean the print head and cartridge, the dust particles can restrict the ink flow resulting in the HP printer missing lines when printing. You can solve this issue by following the below steps:


  1. Navigate the "Settings" option on the printer panel.
  2. Now press "clean cartridge" or "clean print head".
  3. Go to Control Panel > Devices & Printers
  4. Right-click on the "printer" option and click on printing properties.
  5. Clean the print head and run the print command to know whether there is still any missing line.


Clean Cartridges and Nozzles

Blocked nozzles or cartridges can be responsible for HP printers missing lines when printing. You can follow the below steps to clean the cartridges and nozzles.


  1. Check the missing color after printing.
  2. Open the cartridge door and take out the ink cartridge color that isn't working.
  3. Check the cartridge nozzle and wipe it with a lint-free cloth.
  4. Use distilled water to dip the cloth and wipe off the cartridge and nozzles.
  5. Reinstall the cartridge and close the door.
  6. Now perform the printing task.


If you are still missing out on the lines while printing then follow the next steps to get the problem solved.

 Replace the Ink Cartridges

Printer cartridge issues can result in HP printers missing lines while printing. You can replace the cartridges by following the below steps:

1.      Open printer access door

2.      Now pull out the cartridges from your HP device.

3.      Take out the ink cartridges and ensure to remove the packing.

4.      Insert new cartridges and insert them properly.

5.      Close the ink cartridge's lid to access the door.



HP printers are used for personal and professional use. However, it's really very frustrating when you face an HP printer missing lines when printing. But you can solve the problem by taking essential steps after knowing the main cause of the problem. 



However, if you are still facing the HP printer missing lines problem then contact the service provider. Visit the help Centre or contact the support team to get your problem solved. Experts will guide you in the best possible manner.






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